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Peter Filip, PhD, DSc
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Progresses
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

Professor Filip works and teaches in the areas of friction science, nanotechnology, materials engineering, and biomaterials at several institutions in the US, Europe and Asia. He served as Director of the NSF sponsored Center for Advanced Friction Studies, consultant, and expert witness, co-authored more than 500 scientific publications, graduated over 100 students, and performed research sponsored by 89 industrial partners and seven governmental agencies in US, Europe and Asia. He serves on numerous committees such as the ASTM and SAE International Standardization Committees, Eurobrake and SAE Brake Colloquium. Dr. Filip delivered 29 invited/keynote lectures and received numerous international awards. Currently he co-organizes and chairs materials sessions at SAE and Eurobrake meetings, International Forum on Sliding Friction and Vibration, and serves as the Immediate Past Chair of the Wear of Materials Congress.

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