We are a network of experts from the ground mobility industry and academia sharing collective knowledge with professionals and students.
We are a network of experts from the ground mobility industry and academia sharing collective knowledge with professionals and students.
Below you will find a partial list of the publications by some of our Brake Academy members. More items will be added periodically.
by Dr. Marko Tirovic
Journal Papers
Tirovic, M., Topouris, S. and Sherwood, G. (2020) ‘Experimental investigation of the cooling characteristics of a monobloc cast iron brake disc with fingered hub’, Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering, 2020, Vol. 234(1) 85–97. htpps://doi.org/10.1177/ 0954407019838642
Topouris, S. and Tirovic M. (2019) ‘Design synthesis and structural optimization of a lightweight, monobloc cast iron brake disc with fingered hub’, Journal of Engineering Optimization, 51:10, 1710-1726, DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2018.1542692
Morganti, M.V., Longo, S., Tirovic, M., Blaise, C-Y. and Forostovsky, G. (2019) ‘Multi-Scale, Electro-Thermal Model of NMC Battery Cell’, IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology, Vol. 68, No. 11, November 2019.
Topouris, S., Stamenković, D., Olphe-Galliard, M., Popović, V. and Tirovic, M. (2019) ‘Heat Dissipation from Stationary Passenger Car Brake Discs’, Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 66(2020)1, 15-28, DOI:10.5545/sv-jme.2019.6002.
Tirovic, M., Vianello, M. and Bannister, P. ‘Methodology for predicting brake squeal propensity using complex eigenvalue analysis, including thermo-mechanical effects’, Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering 2019, Vol. 233(8) 2048–2073; DOI: 10.1177/ 0954407018765251. [Automobile Division Prize for Research 2017]
Tirovic, M. and Stevens, K. (2018) ‘Heat dissipation from a stationary brake disc, Part 2: CFD modelling and experimental validations’, Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 2018, Vol. 232(10) 1898–1924.
Stevens, K. and Tirovic, M. (2018) ‘Heat dissipation from a stationary brake disc, Part 1: Analytical modelling and experimental investigations’, Proc IMechE Part C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 2018, Vol. 232(9) 1707–1733.
Sergent, N., Tirovic, M. and Voveris, J. (2014) ‘Design Optimization of an Opposed Piston Brake Caliper’, Journal of Engineering Optimization, 46:11, 1520-1537, 2014.
Stamenkovic, D., Popovic, V. and Tirovic M. (2014) ‘Operator's Reaction Time Prolongation Induced by Whole-Body Vibration’, FME Transactions (2014) 42, 297-304.
Tirović, M. and Hartwell, I. P. (2013) ‘Design Optimisation – Challenges in Protecting Intellectual Property’, Int. J. Intellectual Property Management, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 159-177.
Galindo-Lopez, C. H. and Tirovic, M. (2013) ‘Maximizing heat dissipation from ventilated wheel-hub-mounted railway brake discs’, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs. Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Volume 227, Issue 3, pp. 269-285. [John F Alcock Memorial Prize 2013]
Tirovic, M. (2012) ‘Development of a Lightweight Wheel Carrier for Commercial Vehicles’, Int. J. of Vehicle Design, Vol.60, Nos. 1/2, pp. 138-154.
Tirovic, M., Sergent, N., Campbell, J, Roberts, P. and Vignjevic, R. (2012) ‘Structural Analysis of Commercial Vehicle Disc Brake Caliper’, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol. 226, Issue 5, pp.613-622.
Tirovic, M. (2009) ‘Energy thrift and improved performance achieved through novel railway brake discs’, Journal of Applied Energy, Elsevier 86 (2009) pp.317-324.
Ye, Z., Tirovic, M., Davies, M., Baker, P.H., Phillipson, M., Sanders, C.H., Galbraith G.H. and McLean, R.C. (2009) ‘The testing of two methods for the moisture measurement of building fabrics via comparisons with data from an X-ray system’, Building and Environment, Vol. 44, Issue 7, July 2009, pp. 1409-1417.
Tirovic, M. and Galindo-Lopez, C.H. (2008) ‘Convective heat dissipation from a wheel-hub-mounted railway brake disc’, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs. Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Vol. 222, pp. 355-365. [The William Alexander Agnew Meritorious Award / Clarence Noel Goodall 2008 Award]
Galindo-Lopez, C.H. and Tirovic, M. (2008) ‘Understanding and improving the convective cooling of brake discs with radial vanes’, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering Vol. 222 pp. 1211-1229. [Invited Paper for the Special Issue on Braking]
Voller, G.P. and Tirovic, M. (2007) ‘Conductive heat transfer across a bolted automotive joint and the influence of interface conditioning’, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (2007), pp. 4833-4844.
Ye, Z., Tirovic, M., Davies, M., Baker, P H., Phillipson, M., Galbraith, G.H. and McLean R. C. (2007) ‘The Optimisation of a Thermal Dual Probe Instrument for the Measurement of the Moisture Content of Building Envelopes’, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, November 2007; vol. 28, 4: pp. 317-327.
Tirovic, M. and Voller, G.P. (2005) ‘Interface pressure distributions and thermal contact resistance of a bolted joint’, Proceedings of The Royal Society, Series A (2005) 461, pp. 2339-2354.
Davies, M., Tirovic, M., Ye, Z. and Baker, P.H. (2004) ‘A Low Cost, Accurate Instrument to Measure the Moisture Content of Building Envelopes in Situ: a Modelling Study’, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, November 2004; Vol. 25, 4: pp. 295-304. [Carter Bronze Medal]
Tirovic, M. and Sarwar, A.G. (2004) ‘Design Synthesis of Non-Symmetrically Loaded High Performance Disc Brakes – Part 2, Finite Element Modelling’, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs. Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Vol. 218, F2, pp. 89-104. [The Alfred Rosling Bennett Premium/Charles S Lake 2004 Award]
Tirovic, M. and Sarwar, A.G. (2004) ‘Design Synthesis of Non-Symmetrically Loaded High Performance Disc Brakes – Part 3, Verification and Optimisation’, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs. Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Vol. 218, F2, pp.105-115. [The Alfred Rosling Bennett Premium/Charles S Lake 2004 Award]
Voller, G.P, Tirovic, M., Morris, R. and Gibbens, P. (2003) ‘Analysis of Automotive Disc Brake Cooling Characteristics’, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol. 217, pp. 657-666. [Invited Paper for the Special Issue on Braking].
Calvert, C., Tirovic, M. and Stolarski, T.A. (2002) ‘Design and Development of Elastomer-Based Pneumatic Seal Using Finite Element Analysis’, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs. Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol. 216.
Tirovic, M. and Ali, G. (2001) ‘Design Synthesis of Non-Symmetrically Loaded High Performance Disc Brakes – Part 1’, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Vol. 215 (F2), pp. 101-109.
Tirovic, M. (1998) ‘Development of a Wheel Mounted Disc Brake for a High-Speed Train’, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Part F, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, Vol. 212 (F2), pp. 113-121.
Tirovic, M. and Day, A.J. (1992) ‘Distribuzione della pressione nei freni a disco’, Organi di transmissione, Techniche Nuove, Settembre 1992, Milano, Italy.
Day, A.J., Tirovic, M. and Newcomb, T.P. (1991) ‘Thermal Effects and Pressure Distribution in Brakes’, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol. 205 (D3), pp. 199-205.
Tirovic, M. and Day, A.J. (1991) ‘Disc Brake Interface Pressure Distributions’, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, Volume 205 (D2), pp. 137-146.
Conference Papers
Wang, Z., James, S. and Tirovic, M. (2021), ‘Investigation of Disc Brake Pad Interface Pressure Distributions Using FBG Sensors’, Paper EB2021-STP-021, EuroBrake 2021 Conference, May 2021 (on-line).
Tirovic, M., Sergent, N. and Temple, C. (2019) ‘Design Optimisation of Formula 1 Brake Caliper’, Paper EB2019-MDS-030, EuroBrake 2019 Conference, May 2019, Dresden, Germany.
Lenormand, P., Major, B., Gonzalez Correas, D., Voveris, J., Tiwari, D., James, S., Tirovic, M., Staines, S. and Tatam, R. ‘Experimental investigation of disc/pad interface pressure distributions using optical sensors’, Paper EB2018-FBR-005, EuroBrake 2018 Conference, May 2018, The Hague, Netherlands.
Tirovic, M. and Topouris, S. (2017) ‘Monoblock fingered disc design with optimised cooling characteristics’, Paper EB2017-MDS-027, EuroBrake 2017 Conference, May 2017, Dresden, Germany.
Topouris, S., Steward, D. and Tirovic, M. (2017) ‘Development of a Cross Flow Thermal Rig for measuring brake disc cooling characteristics’, Paper NMV17SAF-11, in Proceedings Science and Motor Vehicle 2017 Conference, April 2017, Belgrade, Serbia.
Tirovic, M. and Topouris, S. (2016) ‘Towards the Development of Lightweight Braking Systems’, IQPC 2016 Intelligent Braking Conference, December 2016, Frankfurt, Germany. [Invited paper]
Topouris, S. and Tirovic, M. (2016) ‘Heat dissipation from stationary passenger car brake discs’, Paper EB2016-SVM-037, EuroBrake 2016 Conference, June 2016, Milano, Italy.
Topouris, S., Eggleston D., Tirovic, M. and Vianello, M. (2015) ‘Design and Analysis of an Automotive Monoblock Ventilated Brake Disc with Fingered Hub’, Paper EB2015-PFM-003, EuroBrake 2015 Conference, May 2015, Dresden, Germany.
Vianello, M., Tirovic, M. and Bannister, P. (2015) ‘An Improved Approach of Complex Eigenvalue Analysis of Brake Squeal Including Thermal Effects’, Paper EB2015-NVH-017, EuroBrake 2015 Conference, May 2015, Dresden, Germany.
Stamenkovic, D., Popovic, V., Tirovic, M. and Blagojevic, I. (2015) ‘Effects of lateral vehicle dynamics parameters on motion sickness’, In Proceedings, XXI International MHCL Conference, September 2015, Wien, Austria.
Topouris, S. and Tirovic, M. (2015) ‘Braking System for a Modular Electric Vehicle, Paper NMV15SAF-06, Science and Motor Vehicle 2015 Conference, April 2015, Belgrade, Serbia.
Vianello, M., Bannister, P. and Tirovic, M. (2015) ‘Disc Brake Squeal – Causes and Possible Solutions, Paper NMV15VIP-07, Science and Motor Vehicle 2015 Conference, April 2015, Belgrade, Serbia.
Tirovic, M. and Angelinas, S. (2014) ‘Improving brake disc thermal and wear resistance’, IQPC 2014 Intelligent Braking Conference, December 2014, Wiesbaden, Germany. [Invited paper]
Tirovic, M. (2013) ‘Heat dissipation from stationary disc brakes’, IQPC 2013 Intelligent Braking Conference, November 2013, Frankfurt, Germany. [Invited paper]
Angelinas, S., Tirovic, M. and Roberts, P. (2013) ‘Structural and thermal optimisation, and mass reduction of commercial vehicle disc brakes’, Paper EB2013-TE-003, EuroBrake 2013 Conference, June 2013, Dresden, Germany.
Vianello, M., Bannister, P. and Tirovic, M. (2013) ’Brake Disc Natural Frequencies - Influencing Factors and NVH Design Opportunities’, Paper EB2013-NVH-006, EuroBrake 2013 Conference, June 2013, Dresden, Germany.
Tirovic, M. and Hartwell, I. (2013) ‘Challenges in structural optimisation and IP protection of disc brake calipers’, paper NMV13VIP04 in Proceedings JUMV-SP-1301, Science and Motor Vehicle 2013 Conference, April 2013, Belgrade, Serbia. [Invited Paper]
Tirovic, M. (2012) ‘Thermal Performance and Structural Integrity of New Brake Designs’, Invited Paper for IQPC 2012 Intelligent Braking Conference, November 2012, Wiesbaden, Germany,
Tirovic, M. (2012) ‘Group Project Integration into MSc Course Structure’, Cranfield University 2012 Academic Conference - Good Practice in Postgraduate Assessment, July 2012, Cranfield, UK.
Stevens, K., Tirovic, M., Roberts, P., Taylor, M. and Gibbens, P. (2012) ‘Heat Transfer from Commercial Vehicle Disc Brake Assemblies in Parked Conditions’, BremsTech 2012 Conference, May 2012, Munich, Germany.
Angelinas, S., Gibbens, P., Roberts, P., Taylor, M., Stevens, K. and Tirovic, M. (2012) ‘Improvement of Convective Heat Dissipation from Commercial Vehicle Disc Brakes by Implementing Geometric Design Alternatives’, EuroBrake 2012 Conference, April 2012, Dresden, Germany.
Tirovic, M., Galindo-Lopez, C.H. and Angelinas, S. (2011) ‘Effective Development of Ventilated Brake Discs’; SAE 2011 Brake Colloquium, Paper: Modelling BC103, Oral only, September 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Tirovic, M. and Cross, D. (2011) ‘Conceptual design of high performance, low CO2 emission hybrid sports car using Flybrid® KERS’, Science and Motor Vehicle 2011 Conference, Belgrade, Serbia.
Stevens, K., Leiter, R., Taylor, M., Gibbens, P., Roberts, P., Jackson, J., Thomas, P. and Tirovic, M. (2010) ‘Thermal Aspects in Electric Parking Braking of Commercial Vehicles’, 6th European Conference on Braking, JEF 2010, Lille, France.
Tirovic, M. and Sergent, N.(2010) ‘Lightweight, high performance disc brake calipers’, FISITA 2010 Automotive World Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2010.
Sergent, N. and Tirovic, M. (2009) ‘Brake caliper design optimisation’, Braking 2009 – International Conference on Braking Technology, York, UK.
Tirovic, M. (2009) ‘Improving Brake Cooling whilst Reducing Aerodynamic Losses - Cost Reduction Opportunity’, Modern Train Braking – Further Development in Stopping [Invited Paper], IMechE Conference, Derby, UK.
Tirovic, M. (2009) ‘Determining off road tyres traction characteristics’, Science and Motor Vehicle 2009 Conference, Belgrade, Serbia.
Tirovic, M., Sergent, N., Campbell, J, Roberts, P. and Vignjevic, R. (2008) ‘Validation of disc brake caliper structural performance using digital image correlation’, Brems-tech Conference 2008, Munich, Germany. [Invited Paper]
Tirovic, M. (2007) ‘Improved Cooling of Brake Discs’, IQPC Innovative Braking 2007 Conference, Frankfurt, Germany. [Invited Paper]
Ye, Z., Tirovic, M., Davies, M., Baker, P.H., Phillipson, M., Sanders, C.H., Galbraith, G.H. and McLean, R.C. (2007) ‘The use of a thermal dual - probe for the moisture measurement of building fabrics: the testing of the technique via comparisons with measurements from an x-ray system’, IAQVEC 2007 Conference, Sendai, Japan.
Galindo-Lopez, C.H. and Tirovic, M. (2007) ‘Air flow and heat dissipation analysis of commercial vehicle brake discs’, EAEC 2007 - European Automotive Congress, Budapest, Hungary.
Tirovic, M. (2007) ‘Development of ventilated brake discs’, Science and Motor Vehicle 2007 Conference, Belgrade, Serbia.
Tirovic, M. and Galindo-Lopez, C.H. (2006) ‘Improvement of heat dissipation from wheel mounted railway brake discs’, JEF 2006 Conference, Lille, France.
Tirovic, M. and Galindo-Lopez, C.H. (2006) ‘Analysis of air flow and heat dissipation from wheel mounted railway brake discs’, Braking 2006 – International Conference on Braking Technology, York, UK.
Tirovic, M. (2005) ‘Investigation into Temperatures, Thermal Stresses and Deflections of Different Brake Disc Designs for Commercial Vehicles’, EAEC 2005 - European Automotive Congress, Belgrade, Serbia.
Galindo-Lopez, C.H. and Tirovic, M. (2005) ‘Aluminium Alloy Wheel Carrier for Commercial Vehicles’, EAEC 2005 - European Automotive Congress, Belgrade, Serbia.
Tirovic, M. (2004) ‘The Approaches in Modelling Disc Brake Thermal Loads’, Brems-tech 2004 Conference, Munich, Germany. [Invited paper]
Ye, Z., Tirovic, M., Davies, M., and Baker, P.H. (2004) ‘The Thermal Dual-Probe: its Application to the in Situ Measurement of Building Envelope Moisture Content’, VIII World Renewable Energy Congress 2004, Denver, USA.
Tirovic, M. and Voller, G.P. (2004) ‘Commercial Vehicle Brake Cooling - Ventilated Disc or Ventilated Wheel Carrier ? ‘, Braking 2004 International Conference, Leeds, UK.
Tirovic, M. and Sarwar, A.G. (2003) ‘Wheel Hub Mounted Railway Disc Brakes – Design Potentials, Optimisation and Limitations’, TILT 2003 Conference, Lille, France.
Tirovic, M. and Voller, G.P. (2003) ‘Heat Dissipation from High Speed Train Brakes – The Efficiency Compromise’, TILT 2003 Conference, Lille, France.
Tirovic, M., Voller, G.P, Morris R., Gibbens P. (2002) ‘Improving Cooling of Commercial Vehicle Disc Brakes’, Brems-tech 2002 Conference, December 2002. Munich, Germany. [Invited Paper]
Voller, G.P., Tirovic, M., Morris, R. and Gibbens, P. (2002) ‘Analysis of Automotive Disc Brake Cooling Characteristics’, Braking 2002 International Conference, Leeds, UK.
Tirovic, M. and Voller G.P. (2002) ‘Optimisation of Heat Dissipation from Commercial Vehicles Brakes’, 2002 FISITA World Automotive Congress, June 2002, Helsinki, Finland.
Tirovic, M. (1996) ‘Development of a Wheel Mounted Disc Brake for a High-Speed Train’, Railtech ’96 International Congress, IMechE Paper C511/15/070/96, April 1996, NEC Birmingham, UK,
Tirovic, M. and Todorovic, J. (1990) ‘Analysis of the Interface Pressure Distribution of a Disc Brake’, FISITA 1990 World Automotive Congress, June 1990, Torino, Italy,
Tirovic, M. and Todorovic, J. (1988) ‘Flexural Effects in Commercial Vehicles’ Disc Brake Pads’, Conference on Disc Brakes for Commercial Vehicles, IMechE C455/88, pp. 47-52, November 1988, London, UK.
Tirovic, M. and Stevanovic, D. (1987) ‘Temperature Field of Vehicles’ Clutches and Brakes’, Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems Conference, July 1987, Montreal, Canada,
Tirovic, M. (1984) ‘Brake Torque Distributions in Dynamometer Testing’, (in Serbian) Engines and Motor Vehicles Conference 1984, Kragujevac, Serbia.
Todorovic, J. and Tirovic, M. (1983) ‘Disc Brake Pads Deformation’, (in Serbian) Science and Motor Vehicles Conference 1983, Opatija, Croatia.
Todorovic, J. and Tirovic, M. (1981) ‘Systems’ Approach in Braking Systems Development’, (in Serbian) Science and Motor Vehicles Conference 1981, Kragujevac, Serbia.
Todorovic, J., Ivanovic, G. and Tirovic, M. (1980) ‘Reliability Analysis of Multitask Systems’, (in Serbian) 1980 Reliability Conference, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
by Fabio Squadrani, Narcis Molina and Juan Garcia
EUROBRAKE 2017, Dresden, Germany
EB2017-BSY-008, ASPECTS OF CHASSIS DYNAMICS IN BRAKE JUDDER BEHAVIOUR, García, Juan J.; Ferrer, B.; Vitale, A.; Squadrani, F.; Polo, M. (Applus IDIADA, Spain); Tonelli, R.; Faresin, M.; Mantovani, F. (Maserati S.p.A., Italy)
EB2017-VDT-003, INNOVATIVE VISUALIZATION OF DRUM BRAKE SHOE SQUEAL DYNAMICS, García, J.J.; Squadrani, F. and Mateu, R. (Applus IDIADA, Spain); Yangwoo Park; Jonghoon Lim; Heejin Cho (Hyundai Motor Company, Republic of Korea)
SAE Brake Colloquium 2017, Orlando, USA
EUROBRAKE 2018, The Hague, Nederland
EB2018-VDT-014, JUDDER VIBRATION PATH ANALYSIS (JPA) AND CHASSIS DYNAMIC BEHAVIOUR, García, J.J., Calvo, O., Montané, X., Ferrer, B. and Squadrani, F. (Applus IDIADA, Spain), Faresin, M. (Maserati S.p.A., Italy)
EB2018-VDT-026, DEVELOPING ENDURANCE TEST MODE FOR HIGH-PERFORMANCE BRAKE PADS, Assens, Alejandro; Molina, Narcís; Squadrani, Fabio; Sierra, Carlos J. (Applus IDIADA, Spain), Dr. Jung, Sungpil (KATECH – Korea Automotive Technology Institute, Republic of Korea)
EB2018-MDS-002, ZIRCONATES AS AN ALTERNATIVE MATERIAL TO TITANATES, Dante R., Andreoni, M; Sliepcevich A; Cotilli, E.; Cotilli, M. (QUARTZ, Italy), Squadrani, F. (Applus IDIADA, Spain), O’Leary, J. (IDIADA Automotive Technology, UK)
ASIABRAKE 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
DEVELOPING BRAKE ENDURANCE TEST MODE FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE VEHICLES, Assens, Alejandro; Molina, Narcís; Squadrani, Fabio; Sierra, Carlos J., Vitale Angelo (Applus IDIADA, Spain)
FISITA 2018, Chennai, India
F2018-VDY-015, BRAKE PEDAL FEEL IMPROVEMENT THROUGH 1-D CALCULATION, Assens, Alejandro; Squadrani, Fabio (Applus IDIADA, Spain); Lee, Hong-Woo (Hyundai Motor Company, Republic of Korea)
ASIA BRAKE 2019, New Delhi, India
EUROBRAKE 2019. Dresden, Germany
DISC THICKNESS VARIATION MEASUREMENT UNDER OPERATIONAL COLD AND HOT BRAKE JUDDER CONDITIONS, Ferrer, Bernat; Squadrani, Fabio (Applus IDIADA, Spain); Jeon, DH (Hyundai Motor Company, Republic of Korea)
EFFECT OF SUB-FRAME BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ON VEHICLE JUDDER PERFORMANCE, García-Bonito, J.J.; Ferrer, B.; Calvo, Oriol; Squadrani, F. (Applus IDIADA, Spain); Jeon, DH (Hyundai Motor Company, Republic of Korea)
INFLUENCE OF FRICTION MATERIAL ON CORROSION-INDUCED BRAKE JUDDER DURING THE REMOVAL OF RUST, Molina, Narcís; Ortiz, Laura; Squadrani, Fabio (Applus IDIADA, Spain); O’Leary, John (IDIADA Automotive Technology, UK)
DYNAMICS OF AIR BRAKE ACTUATION SYSTEM UNDER CREEP GROAN EXCITATION, Sánchez, A.; García-Bonito, J.J.; Lapresta, J.; Molina, N.; Squadrani, F. (Applus IDIADA, Spain)
A FIRST-PRINCIPLE SEMI-EMPIRICAL METHOD FOR BRAKE SQUEAL ASSESSMENT, García-Bonito, J.J.; Molina, N.; Squadrani, F.; Sánchez, A. and Ureña, R. (Applus IDIADA, Spain)
A COMPARISON BETWEEN TIN AND ANTIMONY SULPHIDES TRIBOLAYERS, Dante R., Conforti, M; Cotilli, E.; Cotilli, M. (QUARTZ, Italy), Squadrani, F. (Applus IDIADA, Spain), O’Leary, J. (IDIADA Automotive Technology, UK)